Yulduz Usmonova Calls for Peace in Uzbek-Kyrgyz Relations

The ever so famous Ylduz Usmonva has come forth with a new approach to bringing harmony to the conflict areas of Central Asia, through music. This video is not the official video nor is it the official song that has started her road to peace for the two coutreis, but thannks to MRSanjarberk on youtube who has compiled photos from the recent unrest in the Uzbek-Kyrgyz areas, we can see how music can be used as a perfect backdrop to easing pain. 

The singer has also announces that she will be producing albums in the Tajik language as well as Uzebk. Throughout the years we have seen her sing in over 8 different languages, making her the ultimate ambassador for peace to a part of the world where ones dialect in a sea of languages can bring insecurity and even death. Enjoy.

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